Impact Of Domestic Violence On The Academic Performance  Of Students


  • Rashmi Shukla Research Scholar, Faculty of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, Motherhood University, Roorkee, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India. Author
  • Alka Rani Supervisor, Faculty of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, Motherhood University, Roorkee, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India. Author


Domestic Violence, Academic Performance, Children, Students


Education is the birth right of every child. It strengthens the child’s psychological, emotional, social and  economic state because it is the first training ground and the foundation for the child, whatever happens at  home therefore, go a long way in affecting the behavioral and psychological upbringing of the child. The  home environment influences the child’s personal and social behavior very much. Consequentially it  determines child developmental outcomes such as cognitive ability, school readiness, academic achievement  and emotional adjustment. The academic performance of any child cannot be separated from the home  environment in which the child grows up because the child observes it from the very beginning. All the  positive and negative things happening at home has the direct impact on their personality. This indicates that  domestic violence significantly affects child academic performance. The study recommends that domestic  violence awareness campaigns should be put in place to educate the public on the dangers of violence.  Efforts should be made right from kindergarten, primary school and colleges to inculcate more responsible  behavior at a tender age, and to teach and educate young people that violence is never acceptable behavior. 


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How to Cite

Impact Of Domestic Violence On The Academic Performance  Of Students. (2021). Cosmos: An International Journal of Art and Higher Education, 10(1), 31-36.