A Tracer Study Of The Bachelor Of Science Innursingprogram Of La Consolacion University Philippinesgraduates: A Reflection On Institutional Goals


  • Jocelyn B Hipona Dean, College of Allied Medical Professions, La Consolacion University Philippines, Malolos, Philippines. **Program Head, Nursing Department, College of Allied Medical Professions, La Consolacion University Philippines, Malolos, Philippines. Author
  • Joseph Erol T Cuevas Dean, College of Allied Medical Professions, La Consolacion University Philippines, Malolos, Philippines. **Program Head, Nursing Department, College of Allied Medical Professions, La Consolacion University Philippines, Malolos, Philippines. Author
  • Joan A Martin Faculty, Nursing Department, College Allied of Medical Professions, La Consolacion UniversityPhilippines, Malolos, Philippines. Author


Tracer Study, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Graduates, Institutional Goals, LCUP Graduates.


Background: Every academic institution's goal is to produce competent and highly qualified graduates that can eventually be competitive in a local or global place. This study is a very powerful tool that can providevaluable information for evaluating the whereabouts and performance of the graduates in the workplace. Thestudy conducted was specifically facilitated to the BS in Nursing Graduates of LCUP. Aim: This study aimed to keep track of the graduates in the La Consolacion University Philippines under Bachelor of Science in Nursing from 2016-2020. 

Method: The descriptive type of research was utilized via online survey questionnaires in google formas themain tool to gather the information needed from the respondents. The primary sources of data are the 10BSNursing graduates of La Consolacion University Philippines, College of Allied Medical Professions frombatch 2016-2020. 

Findings: The majority of the graduates are currently working in nursing-related occupations, largelyinprivate institutions, according to the findings. Furthermore, the graduates believe that the BS Nursingprogram at LCUP has helped them grow emotionally and professionally. 


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How to Cite

A Tracer Study Of The Bachelor Of Science Innursingprogram Of La Consolacion University Philippinesgraduates: A Reflection On Institutional Goals. (2021). Cosmos: An International Journal of Art and Higher Education, 10(1), 16-26. https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/cijahe/article/view/13004