E-Search: An Integrated Library System


  • Bernie S Basas MIT 1, Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology, Philippines. Author


Integrated Library System, Library Automation, e-searching


A library is a place where books are collected and kept safely. Library also provides services such as theinternet and computers. The advancement of technology made man’s life easier yet Cadiz City Public Libraryis still using the manual way of transaction such as lending and searching of books and recordingtheattendance of patrons. The researcher used a descriptive method to assess the problem and needs of the end- user and Rapid Application Development in the development of this study. The researcher used ConvenienceSampling Method and Purposive Sampling Technique and a total of one-hundred two respondents (102) wereselected to participate. The researcher developed E-Search: An Integrated Library Systemto upgrade andimprove the library transactions in terms of its services and functionality. The researcher used McCall’sSoftware Quality Model Criteria to determine the quality of the developed system, Computer SystemUsabilityQuestionnaire, and Self-made Questionnaire to determine the acceptability in terms of functionality anduser requirements. Based on the findings, the developed system is of average quality since it passed the different criteria. It also shows to be useful and provides satisfaction and ease of use to the users thus, Cadiz City PublicLibrary agrees with the system usability. 


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How to Cite

E-Search: An Integrated Library System. (2024). Cosmos: An International Journal of Art and Higher Education, 10(1), 5-9. https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/cijahe/article/view/12993