A Comparative Study On Stress Coping Mechanisms Of Teenagers Ages From 13-19 Years Old In Malolos, Bulacan


  • Kathryn Gustillo La Consolacion University, Philippines. Author
  • Jackilyn Ortega La Consolacion University, Philippines. Author
  • Hazelle Joyce Sandigan La Consolacion University, Philippines. Author
  • Lawrence Sumague La Consolacion University, Philippines. Author


Stress, Coping Mechanism, Comparative Study, Teenagers


Stress is an inevitable part of everybody’s life. It is normal to be experienced since it is a response to stressor/s.  This study aimed to identify and compare the symptoms and level of stress the teenagers of Malolos, Bulacan  experiencing and their coping mechanisms in terms of Profile of the Residents, Symptoms of Stress, Perceived  Level of Stress, Ardell Wellness Stress, Stress Coping: Self-Assessment. The study was done online through  questionnaires that were answered by the participants in a snowball sampling that works in a chain referral  system. A total of 138 respondents were able to represent the population to determine how teenagers are doing  well, dealing with stress, and their coping mechanisms. Using the Perceived Stress Scale, the researchers  identified the stress level teenagers most like to experience. The Ardell Wellness Test was also used to identify  how stress affects teenagers and their feelings during these times. This test was able to initially assess if the  teenagers were self-actualized or if they were candidates for psychological counseling. The stress Coping Self Assessment test was also administered to identify how teenagers deal with stress. The results of these tests are  only self-assessments for research purposes and are not subject to diagnosis.  


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How to Cite

A Comparative Study On Stress Coping Mechanisms Of Teenagers Ages From 13-19 Years Old In Malolos, Bulacan . (2024). Cosmos: An International Journal of Art and Higher Education, 12(1), 185- 195. https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/cijahe/article/view/12947