Assessment On The Implementation Of Madrasah Education Program In The Schools Division Office Of Laguna


  • Lucia F. Pagalanan Department of Education, Schools Division Office of Laguna, Sta. Cruz, Laguna, Philippines. Author


Madrasah Education, ALIVE Program


This qualitative study assessed the implementation of Madrasah Education in the Schools Division of Laguna.  Assessment includes the status of implementation, the effectiveness of the program, the instructional materials  used, the funding resources, and the support of the government. The respondents of this study were from the  two implementing schools which comprised of principals, teacher-advisers, asatidz, and muslim learners and  their parents. Responses from the focus group discussion were the main source of information addressing the  research questions. Personal interview was done to ensure fairness and balance in gathering data. Moreover,  this study examined to uncover the ways in which school heads, teachers and parents understand and interpret  the policy and guidelines from the ground level. Data depicted that there is a need to institute reforms in the  hiring and upgrading of teacher qualifications for them to be truly competent and highly skilled to deliver the  goods to intended beneficiaries. Thus, further study should be conducted to assess the needs, and may be an  action plan might be proposed to the concerned authority to improve the effective and efficacious  implementation of the ALIVE program.


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How to Cite

Assessment On The Implementation Of Madrasah Education Program In The Schools Division Office Of Laguna . (2024). Cosmos: An International Journal of Art and Higher Education, 12(1), 181- 184.