Wheel Of Life At The End Of The Tunnel: A Phenomenological Study From The Lens Of Aged People


  • Jennylou B. Dela Rosa La Consolacion University, Philippines. Author
  • Jose Jurel M. Nuevo La Consolacion University, Philippines. Author
  • Enrico F. Rosales La Consolacion University, Philippines Author


Death, Dying, End-Of-Life, Aged People, Elderly, Home Care


Death has always been feared, dreaded and misunderstood due to the complex emotions emanating from it.  Various scientific studies and literary works have been written on this concern, and although most people  choose not to discuss nor think about death, it remains inevitable. The objective of the study was to explore  thoughts about death, dying, and end-of-life among the elderly living in a home care facility. Interpretative  Phenomenological Analysis was used to explore the respondents’ experiences on their own terms. The  selections of the key informants started by using a focused group discussion (FGD) in a large group of older  people in the home care facility with the help of a gatekeeper. The research utilized a self-made semi-structured  research instrument subjected to content validation by three qualified composed of two registered  psychologists and a social worker. The findings revealed four pillars at the end of the tunnel based on the lived  experience of the aged individual residing in a home care facility as follows: (1) personal concerns, (2)  reluctance and unwillingness, (3) religiosity and spirituality, and (4) faith and good deeds. Based on the  integration of the qualitative analysis, the Wheel of Life at the End of the Tunnel, an eidetic model about the  end of life, was proposed that may serve as a basis for mental health programs for future studies.


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How to Cite

Wheel Of Life At The End Of The Tunnel: A Phenomenological Study From The Lens Of Aged People . (2024). Cosmos: An International Journal of Art and Higher Education, 12(1), 167- 173. https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/cijahe/article/view/12937