Sustaining A Viable Education System In Nigeria: The Role  Of Formative Assessment And Feedback


  • Oluwayemisi Damilola Akomolafe Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, Federal University Oye-Ekiti, Oye, Ekiti State, Nigeria. Author


Education System, Feedback, Formative Assessment, Nigeria.


The paper discussed the role of formative assessment and feedback in the Nigeria education system. First, the  approaches to, and the principles of formative assessment were discussed. Second, the types; the importance;  the stages, and the features of effective feedback were also highlighted. The paper further concluded that every  learning endeavour needs formative assessment and feedback at one point or the other; to ascertain the level  of progress made by all involved. Finally, the paper suggested that teachers provide a timely and regular  formative assessment, and feedback to students; be professionally trained in the art and science of giving  feedback to learners; be provided with formative assessment and feedback tools and officials of the education  ministries at the federal, state and local governments, should give the guidelines for formative assessment and  feedback of students to teachers and schools, and ensure strict compliance.  


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How to Cite

Sustaining A Viable Education System In Nigeria: The Role  Of Formative Assessment And Feedback. (2021). Cosmos: An International Journal of Art and Higher Education, 10(2), 39–43. Retrieved from