Development And Validation Of A Supplementary Learning Material In Earth Science


  • Benjamin F. Mijares III LPT, MAEd, SDO City of Malolos/Bungahan Elementary School, Philippines. Author


Supplementary Learning Material, MELCS, Interactive Modules, E-learning, ADDIE Mode


The result of the Division Achievement Test in Science administered to Grade 6 learners, out of six  competencies included in MELCS, four competencies were identified as the “Least Learned” as they got a  mastery level indicated as “Low Proficient”. Thus, this developmental research aimed to develop and test  supplementary learning material in the form of interactive modules.  


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How to Cite

Development And Validation Of A Supplementary Learning Material In Earth Science . (2024). Cosmos: An International Journal of Art and Higher Education, 12(1), 56-76.