Development Of Instructional Modules In World  Literature For Open And Distance Education


  • Janet R Valdez La Consolacion University, Philippines. Author


Instructional Modules, Open and Distance Education, ODE, World Literature


Education must keep with the times, which in turn creates a paradigm shift in the educational system and  pedagogy. Classrooms become borderless, open, interactive, virtual, and global. This is open and distance  education (ODE). Sharma (2006) found out that the core strength of DE (distance education) is that it can  globalize the education system by bringing the best available teachers and experts to any corner of the world  to provide the latest information with the help of communication technology. DE is a philosophy that  translates media into resources to give the right of learning to every learner during student, working, and  retirement life. The main objective of the study was to develop modules for the online instruction of world  literature on prospective graduate students of the future open and distance education. The developmental  method of research was utilized which was very useful in the conduct of the study. 


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How to Cite

Development Of Instructional Modules In World  Literature For Open And Distance Education. (2021). Cosmos: An International Journal of Art and Higher Education, 10(2), 80–90. Retrieved from