Learning Japanese As Foreign Language: Basis For An Enhanced Learning Plan


  • Kevin B. Arbolado Arellano University, Philippines. Author


Learning Plan, Macro-skills, Foreign Language


The researcher has been teaching the Japanese Language and observed that students are having difficulty coping  with the writing system. The complex system of Japanese writing makes learners of the language have  difficulties to pass the Japanese Language Professional Test or JLPT. In this study, the researcher used True  Experimental Research Design. The students-subject were exposed to the former learning plan and the enhanced  learning plan. The researcher aims to test their listening, speaking, reading, writing, and visualizing skills. The  participants were students from the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management.  


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How to Cite

Learning Japanese As Foreign Language: Basis For An Enhanced Learning Plan . (2024). Cosmos: An International Journal of Art and Higher Education, 12(1), 26-34. https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/cijahe/article/view/12890