Hospitality And Tourism U.S.A. Summer Work And Travel  Program Experiences: Lcup Students’ Perspective



Hospitality, Tourism, Summer Work and Travel Program


This study aimed to investigate the degree of satisfaction with the USA Work and Travel Program from the  point of view of participants who attended the program from 2012-2016.The researchers utilized the  descriptive qualitative design and quantitative design to examine the satisfaction with the USA Work and  Travel Program. The population of this research were Hospitality and Tourism students who participated in  USA Work and Travel Program SY 2012-2016.The sample size of 30 participants was determined and  considered sufficient to represent the total sampling population wherein 56% of the total participants were  still studying and at the final stage of their college year at the university and 44% were already working in  their respective industry. The study revealed that before the program, participants expected to experience  different things in life, to learn more of American culture, to build friendship with American co-workers and  other foreigners. However, their experience during the stay in the USA did not match the general  expectations. Results also showed that during their stay some students did not enjoy USA Travel due to  time constraints. It was also revealed that there is no significant difference before and after the program  which means that student expectations about the program were met. 


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How to Cite

Hospitality And Tourism U.S.A. Summer Work And Travel  Program Experiences: Lcup Students’ Perspective. (2021). Cosmos: An International Journal of Art and Higher Education, 10(2), 74-79.