Student Teachers’ Practicum Experiences In The English As A Second Language (Esl) Classes: A Three Dimensional Presence Analysis


  • Jay Mark Santos La Consolacion University, Philippines. Author


Student-Teachers, Practicum, Second Language, English, Dimensional Presence Analysis.


The COVID-19 pandemic that massively hit the globe in 2019 did not just become an alarming health issue in  history but has gravely affected the educational system at large, bringing unprecedented adjustments and  challenges among schools and their constituents, including the HEIs that offer Teaching internships. Thus, this  study aimed to explore the student teachers’ practicum experiences in the English as a Second Language (ESL)  classes during the pandemic through a three-dimensional presence study. The phenomenological design was  utilized in the study to explore the practicum experiences of the ten student teachers during the pandemic. The  findings revealed that doubt in their capabilities as teachers, awareness of weaknesses, awareness of strengths,  and practice shock due to sudden changes in teaching modality could affect how they perceive themselves as  student teachers. In addition, the student teachers’ experiences during the practicum are influenced by their  connections and relationships with the cooperating teachers and students. Student teachers reported that some  of their experiences with their cooperating teachers include a general feeling of unease, reluctance to approach,  and the incidence of miscommunication. In contrast, the issues they observed among the students were  misbehavior and a lack of interest. It was also revealed that during the practicum, student teachers encounter  difficulties and constraints when creating lesson plans and applying theories and concepts in practice while  teaching in a real classroom. Furthermore, the student teachers still recognize the difficulties that the students  have in face-to-face classrooms. The pandemic presents considerable challenges for students’ interests,  comprehension, and skills. Several pedagogical implications were drawn based on the findings of the study.  


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How to Cite

Student Teachers’ Practicum Experiences In The English As A Second Language (Esl) Classes: A Three Dimensional Presence Analysis . (2024). Cosmos: An International Journal of Art and Higher Education, 12(1), 13-25.