Evaluation Of Chinese Cultural Aphasia Based On Intercultural Awareness Reflected In The Reading Materials Of Higher Vocational English Textbook


  • Chui Runyuan Department of TESL, Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, Lincoln University College (LUC), Kelantan, Malaysia. Author
  • Lubna Ali Mohammed Student Affairs and Services, Admission Services Unit, La Consolacion University, Philippines. Author


Chinese Cultural Aphasia, Intercultural Awareness, Higher vocational English Textbook


“Chinese cultural aphasia” in English education has been emphasized in China in the recent years.  Evaluation of Chinese cultural aphasia in higher vocational English textbook in this research will be  implemented by analyzing the intercultural awareness reflected in the textbook’s reading materials.  The eleven steps of content analysis designed by Cohen et al. (2007) has been utilized in this research  [4]. The coding system was adapted from the elements of intercultural awareness constructed by  Baker (2012) [2]. ATLAS.ti 9 was used to code the text and illustrations in the textbook. Relevance  sampling will be applied to code the reflected three levels of intercultural awareness in the higher  vocational English textbook’s reading materials for the evaluation of Chinese cultural aphasia. As for  the reliability, analysis result of the Krippendroff’s alpha equals 0.921 in the ATLAS.ti 9 which  means the inter-coder agreement of this research is highly reliable. Based on the analyzing results,  all the three levels of intercultural awareness are reflected in the reading materials of the  representative higher vocational English textbook. However, the findings show that Chinese cultural  aphasia still exist in all the three levels of intercultural awareness reflecting Chinese culture in the  reading materials of the textbook.  


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How to Cite

Evaluation Of Chinese Cultural Aphasia Based On Intercultural Awareness Reflected In The Reading Materials Of Higher Vocational English Textbook. (2024). Cosmos: An International Journal of Art and Higher Education, 12(2), 8-15. https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/cijahe/article/view/12879