Disaster Management:Principles & Practices


Dr. Anil Kumar
Doctorate in Environmental Science, Master of Engineering (Hydrology) from IIT Roorkee, Master of Ecology & Environment,


Disasters - natural or man-made disruptions - threaten communities globally. They cause widespread damage  to property and infrastructure, disrupting lives and livelihoods. Effective disaster management involves  preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation. Preparedness ensures readiness, response involves  immediate protective actions, recovery focuses on rebuilding, and mitigation aims to reduce future risks.  Coordinated efforts between governments, NGOs, and communities, supported by modern technologies  and public education, are essential. Effective disaster management saves lives, reduces economic losses, and  builds resilient communities for a safer future 

India’s disaster management framework involves the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA)  at the central level, State Disaster Management Authorities (SDMAs) at the state level, and District Disaster  Management Authorities (DDMAs) at the district level. These agencies coordinate efforts in preparedness,  response, recovery, and mitigation, utilizing advanced technologies and community involvement to enhance  resilience and reduce disaster impacts. 

Several literatures in form of Books, Reports, Guidelines, Frameworks, SOPs are available across the shelf but  there has been felt necessity of a comprehensive treatise on Disaster Management dealing with fundamental  Concepts, Practices and applications, Global, National and Regional policies, Integrating Technologies for  Early Warning and Alert, Quicker and Effective response, Building Capacity and Enhancing Resilience.  Considering all these aspects the present work was conceived and have now become the reality. The work  on this book started way back in October, 2021 drawing experiences from academic work at AICTE, MHRD,  Adamas University, Practical, Field and Industrial experiences from Bihar State Disaster Management  Authority, Institution of Engineers (India), Damodar Valley Corporation. This book will definitely serve the  cause of all – academics, professionals, policy planners as a reference book and guidebook.  

The Book is divided into four sections – (A) It deals with Basics of Disaster Management dealing with  fundamental concepts, hazard analysis, risk assessment, risk prevention, risk reduction and mitigation.  It deals with Preparedness, migration, response and recovery aspects of disaster management. Poily and  Governance, Simulation Exercises, Environmental Disasters, Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience,  Climate Change and Health, Heat Wave and Heat Related Illness management, Cold Wave Management,  Technology for Resilience agansit Disasters; (B) This section deals with Man-made Disasters like Industrial  Disasters, Nuclear Disasters, Terrorism, Cyber Attack etc; (C) This section deals with Natural Disasters  like Earthquake, Flood, Drought, Tsunami, Hurricane/Typhoon,/Cyclone, Wildfire etc; (D) This Section  exclusively deals with India’s Journey for Disaster Management detailing all aspects of Policies, Regulatory  Framework, Management Structure and pro-active initiatives of India and various state governments  creating success stories for the future. 



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Author Biography

Dr. Anil Kumar, Doctorate in Environmental Science, Master of Engineering (Hydrology) from IIT Roorkee, Master of Ecology & Environment,

Dr Anil Kumar is a Doctorate in Environmental Science, Master of Engineering (Hydrology) from IIT Roorkee, Master of Ecology & Environment, M.Sc. in Disaster Mitigation and Bachelor in Civil Engineering (Gold Medalist). He is presently serving as Senior Advisor (Env. & Climate Change) at Bihar State Disaster Management Authority, Government of Bihar. He is National Executive Council Member of Indian Society of Technical Education, New Delhi as well as Regional Vice President (East), Solar Energy Society of India. In the past he has served as Director, Adamas University, Barasat, Kolkata. He has also served as State Project Administrator and Head of Word Bank Project on Technical Education (TEQIP-III) for UP under MHRD, Government of India. He has been Former Secretary & Director General - I/C and Deputy Director General of Institution of Engineers (India). He gathered vast Engineering experience in Damodar Valley Corporation at various levels upto Superintending Engineer (Civil & Environmental Engineering). He has also been with All India Council for Technical Education, MHRD, GoI dealing with many educational projects, policies as Deputy Director & Regional Officer. He has also been associated with UNESCO Hydrology Progrmme at IIT Roorkee (formerly University of Roorkee)



June 6, 2024



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