The Role of Internal and External Audit Committees in Reducing Banking Failure


  • Hayder Jerri Mohsin Southern Technical University College of Administrative Technology/Basra



Internal and External Audit Committes, Banking Failure, Commercial Banks


Purpose: This study seeks to identify the role of internal and external audit committees and their  impact on limiting bank failure. Research Design: The research included a quantitative analysis of data on commercial banks in  the south of the country under study, which numbered (6) commercial banks. The study sample  included a group of (77) employees working in these banks The analysis is based on a solid base  that sought to reveal the practices of these banks in the role of internal and external audit  committees and their impact on reducing bank failure. The study sought to test the effect and  correlation relationship between the independent variable represented by the internal and external  audit committees and the variable affiliated with the bank, failure and deportation. Data were  processed by statistical methods using (SPSS) program.  Results: The results of the statistical analysis of the data collected through the questionnaire tool  prepared for this purpose showed that there is an effect and correlation between the independent  variable of the internal and external audit committees and the variable dependent on bank failure  and its dimensions (information asymmetry, credit risk, systemic risk, moral dimension). 


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How to Cite

Mohsin , H. J. (2023). The Role of Internal and External Audit Committees in Reducing Banking Failure . South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 4(4), 211-229.