Role of Competitive Edge, Marketing Facilities, Financial and Government Supports on Small Entrepreneurship Development in Bangladesh


  • M d Nazmus Sadekin Department of Economics, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Santosh, Tangail-1902, Bangladesh.



Business, BSCIC, Entrepreneurs, Government, Small & Cottage Industry


Industrialization is the main field for sustainable economic development and achievement of social progress of a nation. Considering this, entrepreneurship is the key to the creation of new enterprises that energize and revitalize the economy. Notably, in Bangladesh, the role of Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industry Corporation (BSCIC) is the main catalyst for developing sustainable entrepreneurship. However, there are criticism that the standpoints of small and medium-sized businesses of the BSCIC entrepreneurs are under the assistance of the Government. Therefore, it is essential to see the impacts of other factors on the performance of the BSCIC Entrepreneurs. Therefore, this study aims at investigating the impacts of four factors, i.e., Competitive edge with large-scale industry, financial technical support, Marketing initiatives, and Government initiatives, on the performance of BSCIC Entrepreneurs. This study collected 65 sample data based on a questionnaire survey and the date were analyzed based on structural equation modelling. The result shows that marketing initiatives has positive impact, but competitive edge with large-scale industry as well as government support has negative impacts. Whereas the financial support does not show any impact on entrepreneurs’ performance. This study will help the entrepreneur and policy makers to improve the entrepreneurial development in Bangladesh.


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How to Cite

Sadekin, M. d N. (2023). Role of Competitive Edge, Marketing Facilities, Financial and Government Supports on Small Entrepreneurship Development in Bangladesh. South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 4(5), 73-96.