The Relationship between Strategic Management Practices and Financial Performance: The Moderating Role of Business Intelligence


  • Shaima A Kh Barakat Assistant Professor, Department of Human Resources Management, Northern Broder University, Saudi Arabia,
  • Adel Abdullatif Ahmad Hamed Assistant Professor, Supply Chain Management, Department of Management Information Systems, Northern Broder University, Saudi Arabia
  • Sameer Mohammed Majed Dandan Assistant Professor - Quality Management, Department of Management Information Systems, Northern Border University, Saudi Arabia
  • Amira AH Farah College of Business Administration, Management Information System, Northern Border University, ArAr. Saudi Arabia



Strategic Management Practices, Strategic Objectives, Competitive Environment Strategy, Evaluating Strategies, Financial Performance, SMEs, Business Intelligence


Financial performance is a subjective assessment of a firm's ability to use assets from its core  business operations to create income. The phrase is utilized as a comprehensive indicator of a  company's financial well-being throughout a certain duration. Strategic management practices  play a crucial role in determining the financial performance of organizations. This paper aims  to critically analyzed the impact of strategic management practices on financial performance  by examining various scholarly articles and studies in the field. Moreover, the influence of  business intelligence as a moderator on the relationship between strategic management  practices and the financial performance of SMEs in the northern region of Malaysia was also  investigated. This study amalgamated the resource-based view (RBV) to elucidate the impact  of the factors on effective strategy execution. Questionnaires were administered to 378 SMEs  in the northern region of Malaysia. The above sample was utilized in the analysis employing  the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) - Partial Least Squares (PLS) approach. The study's  results indicated a substantial impact of strategic management practices on financial  performance. The research indicated that the moderating influence of business intelligence on  strategic management practices and financial performance was significant. This study  emphasized the research ramifications, recommendations for further investigations, and its  limits. 


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How to Cite

Barakat, S. A. K., Hamed, A. A. A., Dandan, S. M. M., & Farah, A. A. (2024). The Relationship between Strategic Management Practices and Financial Performance: The Moderating Role of Business Intelligence . South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 5(6), 136-159.