Conceptualizing the Mediating Role of Teachers’ Innovative  Leadership in PTL and TCPD


  • Lu Yan  Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Sultan Idris Education  University, Malaysia. 
  • Fanny Kho Chee Yuet Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Sultan Idris Education University, Malaysia.



Principal's transformational leadership, teachers' innovative leadership, teachers' continuing professional development, Chinese Demonstrative High Schools.


Teachers play an irreplaceable role in schools, driving the growth of adolescents through creativity, knowledge, and perseverance, which is crucial for their future success. However, this responsibility often requires teachers to continuously adapt to developmental changes and pursue personal growth. This study, set against the backdrop of demonstrative high schools in China, explores how principals' transformational leadership (PTL) creates an environment that fosters teachers' innovative leadership. Such innovative leadership not only supports teachers' continuous professional development (TCPD) but is also essential for maintaining high levels of educational excellence and promoting school progress. Given the complexity of TCPD, this study introduces a conceptual framework that combines elements of transformational and innovative leadership, aiming to provide valuable insights for enhancing TCPD practices. This model not only underscores the importance of leadership in education but also offers practical references for policymakers and school administrators, laying the groundwork for further empirical exploration.

Author Biographies

  • Lu Yan,  Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Sultan Idris Education  University, Malaysia. 

     Nanning Normal University, Nanning, China.

  • Fanny Kho Chee Yuet, Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Sultan Idris Education University, Malaysia.

    Dr. Fanny Kho Chee Yuet is a Associate Professor (Head of Department) in the Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Sultan Idris Education University, Malaysia.  Dr. Fanny received her Bachelor of Education in Teaching English as a Second Language in 2007 and Master of Education from Open University Malaysia in 2010. She obtained her Doctor of Philosophy from Sultan Idris Education University, Malaysia in 2017. She is also an Auditor for the university’s academic programs and an Editor-in-Chief of the Management Research Journal, the e-Journal of Sultan Idris Education University.  Dr. Fanny is also a pioneer of Teacher Leadership research in Malaysia. She specializes in educational management and teaches courses in this area and other areas as well.  She also has ample experience in teaching various subjects in schools for 18 years.  Dr. Fanny is very creative in conducting innovative instructions via digital age media platforms.  Dr. Fanny has had her attachment in English Unit, Sarawak Education Department in 2016 as a Deputy Director. She shared her innovative skills in professional English with the CEFR master trainers in Sarawak.  Dr. Fanny also has a particular interest in teacher leadership, edutainment, innovations, and using Cybergogy and Andragogy in the new learning paradigms. She had won many Gold Awards and Special Awards in various international innovations competitions.  Fanny currently resides in Kuala Lumpur.


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How to Cite

Yan, . L. ., & Yuet, . F. K. C. . . (2024). Conceptualizing the Mediating Role of Teachers’ Innovative  Leadership in PTL and TCPD. South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 5(6), 160-185.