Investigation of the Effectiveness of TRIZ Invention for Enhancing Design Creativity in High School Students in China: The role played by teacher self-efficacy


  • Liu Dongna Faculty of Creative Industries, City University Malaysia, Malaysia.
  • SHARUL AZIM BIN SHARUDIN@SHARADDIN Faculty of Creative Industries, City University Malaysia, Malaysia.



TRIZ, Design creativity, Teacher self-efficacy, Creative problem-solving, Chinese education system


Purpose – The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of creative problem solving methodologies, such as TRIZ, in boosting design creativity in high school students in  China, considering the role of the teachers’ self-efficacy in implementing such interventions. Design/methodology/approach –The study employs an experimental or quantitative research  methodology to systematically assess the efficacy of the TRIZ intervention and explore the  factors characterizing the integration of creative applied methodologies into educational  practice. Results demonstrate a significant increase in students' design creativity following the  TRIZ intervention, as evidenced by pre- and post-intervention assessments. Findings – The  study reveals a strong correlation between teacher self-efficacy and the effective  implementation of TRIZ. Teachers with high self-efficacy in teaching TRIZ were more likely  to create learning environments that enhanced student creativity, thereby maximizing the  intervention's impact. Conversely, teachers with lower self-efficacy showed resistance to  incorporating TRIZ into their teaching practices, potentially compromising its effectiveness.  This study demonstrates the significant potential of the TRIZ methodology for enhancing the  design creativity of high school students in China. Research limitations– The study has  limitations because of its geographical concentration on the Chinese students and teachers.  Future research could look into additional regions to validate this notion. Practical  implications – For effective implementation of TRIZ, teachers should prepare their teaching  material that incorporates TRIZ principles systematically.


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How to Cite

Dongna, L., & SHARUDIN@SHARADDIN, S. A. B. (2024). Investigation of the Effectiveness of TRIZ Invention for Enhancing Design Creativity in High School Students in China: The role played by teacher self-efficacy . South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 5(5), 216-236.