Financial Development and Income Inequality in Bangladesh: Empirical Evidence from Vector Auto-Regression (VAR) Model


  • Md Abu Bakkar SIDDIQUE Additional Director, Agricultural Credit Department, Bangladesh Bank, Head Office, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.



financial development, income inequality, private credit, economic growth



This study investigates the effect of financial development on inequality in Bangladesh. We  run a vector autoregressive (VAR) model for the economy of Bangladesh from 1980 to 2020.  Using the impulse response functions (IRFs), we find that the disposable income and market  income Gini coefficients respond positively to private credit. It suggests that financial  development contributes to raising inequality in Bangladesh. We also find that growth has an  adverse impact on inequality whereas income inequality has a positive effect on economic  growth. However, economic growth has a greater and more pronounced negative effect on  inequality than inequality itself, even though these two variables exhibit opposite interaction  responses. It indicates that growth lowers inequality in Bangladesh.The forecast error  variance decomposition function shows that private credit can explain the variations of  disposable income Gini by 8.65 percent; on the other hand, disposable income Gini can  explain the variation of private credit by 8.90 percent. 


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How to Cite

SIDDIQUE, M. A. B. (2024). Financial Development and Income Inequality in Bangladesh: Empirical Evidence from Vector Auto-Regression (VAR) Model. South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 5(5), 91-113.