Lean Manufacturing Implementation in Developing Countries:Evidence from Jordanian Industrial Companies


  • Faisal AlMadi Professor, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, The Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2172-8987
  • Ala a Zuhair Mansour Assistant Professor, Accounting Department, Faculty of Business Studies, Arab Open University, P. O. Box 1339, Amman 11953, Jordan https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6193-8658
  • Zaidoon Alhatabat Assistant Professor, Accounting Department, Faculty of Business Studies, Arab Open University, P. O. Box 1339, Amman 11953, Jordan
  • Diala Ershaid Assistant Professor, Accounting Department, Faculty of Business Studies, Arab Open University, P. O. Box 1339, Amman 11953, Jordan
  • Jafar Irshoud Assistant Professor, Business Administration Department, Faculty of Business Studies, Arab Open University, P. O. Box 1339, Amman 11953, Jordan




Lean Implementation, Developing Country, , Industrial Companies, Jordan


In today's fiercely competitive landscape, industries are increasingly embracing lean manufacturing strategies for survival. However, the adoption of lean principles in Jordanian manufacturing sectors remains relatively new. This study aims to evaluate the current state of lean adoption in Jordanian industries, focusing on its techniques, motivations, and challenges. Employing a quantitative methodology, surveys targeted Production, Operation, and Quality Managers in Jordanian organizations. Out of 300 distributed questionnaires, 176 valid responses were received, representing a response rate of 58.7%. The findings indicate a relatively low adoption of lean practices in Jordanian industries, though firms that have implemented lean report significant benefits, particularly in quality enhancement and cost reduction. Key challenges include inadequate training, a scarcity of experts, and complexities in small batch production. While the study's sample size is limited, caution is warranted in interpreting the results. Further empirical research is needed to quantify the performance benefits of lean adoption. This study sheds light on lean adoption in Jordanian manufacturing, informing knowledge development and guiding future efforts to promote lean practices in the industrial landscape.

Author Biographies

  • Faisal AlMadi , Professor, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, The Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan.

    Faisal Nayef Al-Madi, Hold a Ph. D in Quality Management from the University of Salford, UK. In August 2005 joined the School of Business at the Hashemite University, where I am working now as a full professor of operations and quality management. I have taught in some Arab countries like Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. My research interests include Lean Operations, quality management, supply chain management, Kaizen, Knowledge management, Organizational behaviour and e-commerce. I have published articles in several journals such as The TQM Journal, Business Process Management Journal, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Uncertain Supply Chain Management, Journal of Economic and Engineering, International Review of Management and Marketing, Research Journal of Business Management, and Journal of Management Research.

  • Ala a Zuhair Mansour, Assistant Professor, Accounting Department, Faculty of Business Studies, Arab Open University, P. O. Box 1339, Amman 11953, Jordan

    Ala’a Mansour is an Assistant Professor in the Accounting Department of the Faculty of Business Studies at Arab Open University - Jordan (AOU). He holds a PhD in Forensic Accounting and Auditing from Universiti Utara Malaysia, an institution accredited by AACSB. Dr. Mansour also earned an MBA with a specialization in accounting from the Othman Yeop Abdullah Graduate School of Business (OYAGSB) at Universiti Utara Malaysia, an institution accredited by AMBA.

  • Zaidoon Alhatabat, Assistant Professor, Accounting Department, Faculty of Business Studies, Arab Open University, P. O. Box 1339, Amman 11953, Jordan

    Zaidoon holds a Ph.D. in Accounting and Finance from the University of Bristol in the UK and an MSc in Accounting and Finance from the University of Southampton in the UK. He has joined the Arab Open University in Jordan as an Associate Professor of Accounting, where he effectively blends research and teaching to enhance the student learning experience. Additionally, he has held faculty positions at Philadelphia University in Amman, Jordan, and Al-Hussein Bin Talal University in Jordan.

  • Diala Ershaid, Assistant Professor, Accounting Department, Faculty of Business Studies, Arab Open University, P. O. Box 1339, Amman 11953, Jordan

    Diala J. Ershaid is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Business Studies at Arab Open University, where they have been a faculty member since 2023. Dr. Ershaid obtained their Bachelor's (B.S.) degree in Accounting from Zarqa University, their Master's (M.S.) degree in Accounting and Finance from The Hashemite University, and their Ph.D. in Accounting and Auditing from University Utara Malaysia (UUM).

  • Jafar Irshoud , Assistant Professor, Business Administration Department, Faculty of Business Studies, Arab Open University, P. O. Box 1339, Amman 11953, Jordan

    Dr. Jafar Irshoud is an assistant professor at the Business Administration Department. He obtained his doctorate degree in Business Administration- Finance from The University of Wales TSD in the UK. He holds MSc in finance from Coventry University in the UK.


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How to Cite

AlMadi , F. ., Mansour, . A. a Z. . ., Alhatabat, Z. ., Ershaid, D. ., & Irshoud , J. . (2024). Lean Manufacturing Implementation in Developing Countries:Evidence from Jordanian Industrial Companies. South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 5(5), 1-25. https://doi.org/10.48165/sajssh.2024.5501