The Effect of Organizational Virtuousness on Employees’ Innovative Behavior: The Role of Moderating and Mediating Variables


  • Yousif Mousa Sabti Department of Accounting, Administrative and Finance science College, Imam Ja'afar Al-Sadiq University, Iraq
  • Salih M AL Hisnawi University of Karbala, college of administration and Economics, Iraq.
  • Kawthar Mowaffak Jaber AlMousawi Department of health management , College of Health & Medical Technology, Sawa University, Samawah, 3 Iraq.
  • Aeshah Hasan Radhi Department of Management and Marketing of Oil and Gas, College of Industrial Management for Oil and Gas, Basrah University for Oil and Gas, Basra, Iraq.



organizational virtuousness, Innovative behavior, Creative self-efficacy, thriving


This objective of the study is to assess the association between OV and IB. Furthermore, the  study scrutinizes the mediating effect of thriving between OV and IB. Moreover, this study  also examines the moderating effect of CSE between thriving and IB. A quantitative also cross sectional design was used. Data was collected from to test the proposed 509 respondents from  high-tech construction and manufacturing industries of Iraq. The findings shown that OV has  a positive association with innovative behavior. The mediation result also was significant. The  findings shown that CSE weakened the association between thriving and IB. In the end,  theoretical and practices implications was discussed with future recommendation.  


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How to Cite

Sabti, Y. M., Hisnawi, S. M. A., AlMousawi, K. M. J., & Radhi, A. H. (2024). The Effect of Organizational Virtuousness on Employees’ Innovative Behavior: The Role of Moderating and Mediating Variables . South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 5(3), 240-253.