Entrepreneurial Intentions for Green Entrepreneurial Behavior in the Context of Universities in Jiangxi China: An Assessment of Entrepreneurial Endorsement and University Educational Support


  • Han Shenmiao Faculty of Business Management, City University, Malaysia, Malaysia.
  • Badrul Hisham bin Kamruddin Faculty of Business Management, City University, Malaysia, Malaysia.




Entrepreneurial intentions, green entrepreneurship behavior, Entrepreneurial endorsement, University educational support


Background and Purpose: Green entrepreneurship has gained significant attention all over the  world due to its contribution towards ecological and environmental protection. The present  study investigates the impact of the entrepreneurial mindset (EM) and entrepreneurial  intentions (EI) on green entrepreneurial behavior (GEB) within the context of universities in  Jiangxi, China, by focusing on the mediating role of entrepreneurial endorsement (EE) and the  moderating role university educational support (UES). Method: The present study is based on  a quantitative research design and utilized a survey questionnaire for data collection. The  population for the study consisted of student entrepreneurs from the selected universities in  Jiangxi, China. The study used a purposive sampling strategy, and 330 complete responses  were obtained. The data was analyzed through the application of PLS-SEM. Findings: The  statistical analysis of the quantitative data revealed that EI and EM had a positive and  significant impact on nurturing GEB in university students. However, UES was found to be an  insignificant moderator in the association between EM and GEB, and EI and GEB.  Additionally, the study supported the mediating role of EE in the association between EM and  GEB while the relationship between EI and GEB was also significantly mediated by EE. Conclusion and Implications: Thus, the present study affirmed the significance of educational  institutes for enhancing the GEB in university students. The findings of the study hold  significance for the development of entrepreneurship curriculum in higher education in China,  and also offers insights for practitioners in the educational sector for development of policies  and environment which promotes entrepreneurship.  


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How to Cite

Shenmiao, H., & Kamruddin, B. H. bin. (2024). Entrepreneurial Intentions for Green Entrepreneurial Behavior in the Context of Universities in Jiangxi China: An Assessment of Entrepreneurial Endorsement and University Educational Support . South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 5(2), 185-207. https://doi.org/10.48165/sajssh.2024.5212