Leadership Styles and Job Performance with EducationalTrainings as Mediator among Employees in the Public andPrivate Educational Sectors in Shanghai, China


  • Wen Xiaoli Faculty of Education & Liberal Sciences, City University Malaysia, Malaysia.
  • Suhaidah Binti Tahir Faculty of Education & Liberal Sciences, City University Malaysia, Malaysia.




Leadership styles, Transformational leadership, Transactional leadership, Job performance, Educational training, Educational leaders


Background: Leadership styles have gained significance for driving the level of efficiency and  productivity among the staff, enhancing their overall performance. The present study is  designed to investigate the impact of distributed leadership, transformational leadership, and  transactional leadership on the job performance of employees in the public and private  educational sectors in Shanghai, China. In addition, the present study focuses on exploring  whether educational training mediates the relationship between these leadership styles and the  job performance of employees. Methods: The present study adopted a quantitative survey based approach to collect data from a diverse population of employees from China’s public and  private educational sectors and analyses the data through implementing the partial least squares  structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) approach. Findings: The outcomes of the study  validated the positive and significant influence of leadership styles on job performance. The  study showed that transformational, transactional, and distributed leadership enhances the job  performance of employees in educational institutions. Furthermore, the study did not find  empirical evidence to support the mediating role of educational training. Conclusion and  Implications: The study established the pivotal role of leadership styles in enhancing employee  performance in the context of educational sectors of China. The findings hold theoretical value  by extending the current literature on leadership. In addition, the findings can inform  policymakers, managers, and educators to develop effective strategies and policies that support  a positive and conducive workplace environment to enhance the job market. Focus should be  given to leadership development for educational leaders to meet the needs of organizations. 


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How to Cite

Xiaoli, W. ., & Tahir, S. B. . (2024). Leadership Styles and Job Performance with EducationalTrainings as Mediator among Employees in the Public andPrivate Educational Sectors in Shanghai, China. South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 5(2), 161-184. https://doi.org/10.48165/sajssh.2024.5211