The Effect of Joint Audit on Audit Quality: The Perceptions of Accountant Exports and Banking Mangers in Algeria


  • Zakaria Hima PhD student at Faculty of Applied & Human Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia.
  • Wan Sallha Yusoff Senior lecturer in Faculty of Applied & Human Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia.
  • Ummi Naiemah binti Saraih Senior lecturer in Faculty of Applied & Human Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia.



Joint Audits, Perception, Managers of Regional Directorate of Exploitation, Auditors, Audit quality


This study examines the impact of joint audits on audit quality. It employs a survey-based  approach, utilizing a Likert-type questionnaire distributed to external auditors and bank managers  to gauge their perspectives on whether joint audits enhance audit quality. The survey involved  auditors and managers from the Regional Directorate of Exploitation in 20 Algerian banks. The  findings indicate a correlation between joint audits and audit quality, with respondents expressing  the belief that the implementation of joint audits would positively influence audit quality. This  research is one of the pioneering efforts to investigate the effects of joint audits on audit quality  within the Algerian banking sector. It offers valuable insights and puts forth recommendations for  audit firms, professional and oversight bodies, as well as the government, emphasizing the  significance of joint audits in ensuring audit quality. 


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How to Cite

Hima, Z., Yusoff, W. S., & Saraih, U. N. binti. (2024). The Effect of Joint Audit on Audit Quality: The Perceptions of Accountant Exports and Banking Mangers in Algeria. South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 5(1), 129-143.