Gender Wise Distribution Of Body Composition, Blood Pressure And Haemoglobin Among Students Of Hotel Management Institute In India: A Pilot Study


  • Alok Shivapuri Principal, Institute of Hotel Management, Catering and Nutrition, Pusa, New Delhi
  • Anshu Singh Senior Faculty,Institute of Hotel Management, Catering and Nutrition, Pusa, New Delhi
  • Sakshi Sharma Faculty, Institute of Hotel Management, Catering and Nutrition, Pusa, New Delhi
  • C. Kesavachandran Principal Scientist,CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Uttar Pradesh.
  • V. Bihari Consultant and Retired Principal Scientist,CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Uttar Pradesh.
  • Ritul Kamal Technical Assistant,CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Uttar Pradesh.
  • Amarnath Singh Research Fellow, Epidemiology Laboratory, Systems Toxicology and Health Risk Assessment Group, CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Uttar Pradesh.


Obesity, Hypertension, Gender Wise, BMI, Body Composition, Hotel Management


Background: Change in dietary pattern and a better economic situation in India has resulted in  non communicable diseases like heart ailments, diabetes, obesity etc. Irrespective of any age group,  children, adults, elderly population are at the risk of these health problems in India. Objective: To study the gender wise comparison of the health problems among Hotel Management students  in India. Methodology: Subjects (n=94) were selected through random sampling comprising of  both male and female in age group 18 to 25 years. A questionnaire was used to collect the data  regarding personal history and habits. Blood Pressure was monitored using sphygmomanometer.  Hemoglobin was measured using automated Heamoglobinometer. BMI (kg/m2) and Body Fat (BF%)  was measured using a commercially available digital weight scale incorporating a bioelectric  impedance analyzer (HBF-352, Omron Health care Co., Kyoto, Japan) based on bioelectric  impedance analysis. All statistical calculations were done using STATA IC 13 software. Results: Body Fat% was higher among females than males. Among both male and female students, dietary  habits were mostly non-vegetarian. Male students with non vegetarian dietary habits (88.7%)  were significantly higher than females (p<0.05). The prevalence of overweight and obese cases  according to BMI in male students was 19.1% and 20.6% respectively, whereas in case of female  students 26.9% were overweight and 23.1% were obese. Male students had significantly higher  mean values of systolic (p<0.001) and diastolic (p<0.001) blood pressure. Significantly higher  anemia cases in moderate category were observed in female students (p<0.05).Conclusion: The  present study showed higher prevalence of obesity and hypertension among students in the age  group 18-25 years. Interventions are required to combat the obesity related health impairments. 


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How to Cite

Gender Wise Distribution Of Body Composition, Blood Pressure And Haemoglobin Among Students Of Hotel Management Institute In India: A Pilot Study. (2017). PUSA Journal of Hospitality and Applied Sciences, 3, 1-11.