“Impact Of Training On Employee Satisfaction: An Empirical Study With Special Reference To Fresher’s From Hotel Schools Employed In The Hotels Of Mumbai And Its Suburbs”


  • Anupam Dhoundiyal Research Scholar,Department of Management Studies Pacific Academy of Higher Education and Research, Udaipur
  • Dipin Mathur Director, Department of Management Studies Pacific Academy of Higher Education and Research, Udaipur


Employee Satisfaction, Factors of Employee Satisfaction, Training, Hospitality, Hotel Industry


Background: Employee satisfaction is always considered a vital component which  contributes towards employee performance and employee retention in hotel industry. The  factors that bestow to employee satisfaction are dynamic in nature and studies needs to be  conducted to find out factors that adds to the satisfaction levels of youngsters joining hotel  industry. Objectives: The main purpose of this study was to identify the core factors which  contribute towards employee satisfaction for fresher in hotel industry and impact of training  on these factors. Methodology: The factors identified were job satisfaction, rewards,  promotion, working environment and social aspects of job. The study was conducted towards  correlation between these factors and different demographic profiles such as sex, ownership,  department, post and qualification of candidates. Samples were collected from hotels with  multinational ownership, multinational franchise, Indian chain-ownership/franchise and  Indian standalone hotels. Data from four major revenue generating departments- Front  office, Housekeeping, Food and Beverage Service and Food Production was taken from 151  candidates with less than two years of industry experience. Data was tested for correlation  coefficient, mean, S.D and regression analysis. Results: Main findings were that  multinational ownership hotels were efficient in implementing the training functions followed  by multi-national franchise, Indian chain hotels were performing satisfactory towards  implementation of training for employee satisfaction. There is major gap in implementation  of training functions in Indian standalone hotels creating a potential for them to improve  towards this aspect of employee satisfaction. Training was found to have positive linear  relationship with employee satisfaction.85 male and 66 female candidates took part in the  study. Conclusion: Training had strong positive correlation with job satisfaction, working  environment, promotion and social aspects whereas moderate relationship was established  with rewards. Qualification, management and department were demographic profiles with  higher variability whereas sex and post were having medium variability. 


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How to Cite

“Impact Of Training On Employee Satisfaction: An Empirical Study With Special Reference To Fresher’s From Hotel Schools Employed In The Hotels Of Mumbai And Its Suburbs” . (2021). PUSA Journal of Hospitality and Applied Sciences, 7(1), 149–167. Retrieved from https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/pjhas/article/view/3379