Evaluation of the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Library Websites in India: A Case Study


  • Rajeev Mishra Assistant Librarian, India International Centre, 40, Max Mueller Marg, New Delhi-110003, India.




Academic Libraries, Library Websites, IISER Libraries, Website Indicators


This paper is intended to evaluate indicators of library websites of the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) libraries in India both quantitatively and qualitatively on the basis of  pre-defined indicators. Efforts have been made to assess the importance of a quality website for the library  regardless of the nature of the library. In this regard, the library website is the only way to make available  services to the end users of the knowledge society. The present paper also focuses on the accuracy and  authenticity of the website contents. About 165 Evaluation indicators of library websites have been  designed and a comparative study of 5 IISER Bhopal, Pune, Mohali, Kolkata, and Tirupati library  websites has been presented.  


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https://www.iiserb.ac.in/library/about (Accessed on 8 May 2019)

http://library.iisermohali.ac.in/ (Accessed on 12May 2019)

http://www.iiserpune.ac.in/~library/ (Accessed on 12May, 2019)

https://www.iiserkol.ac.in/web/en/facilities/library/ (Accessed on 15 May 2019) 14. http://www.iisertirupati.ac.in/library/library.php (Accessed on 17 May 2019)



How to Cite

Evaluation of the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Library Websites in India: A Case Study . (2019). Library Progress (International), 39(2), 371-376. https://doi.org/10.48165/