Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) a Contributor or Competitor for Library Professionals? - A Study


  • A Bagavathi University Assistant Librarian, The Tamil Nadu Dr Ambedkar Law University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600113, India



Knowledge Based System, Artificial Intelligence, Expert System, Computer Knowledge interference, AI Implementation etc


In this study, a total of six universities of different knowledge domain were taken into consideration for  deriving an inference on the effect of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The analysis revolves around the impact  of AI in the performance of Library Professionals of the concerned universities. It constitutes of about 17 variables, 19 tables to reveal the status of AI in the library field as a supporting agency or surrogating the  activities of the profession. This type of study helps to build the library with the adequate idea required to  implement the activities along with the AI to suite the requirements of the modern world. 


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How to Cite

Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) a Contributor or Competitor for Library Professionals? - A Study . (2019). Library Progress (International), 39(2), 322-337.