Librarians’ Awareness and Willingness to Deploy QR Code in Libraries: A Study of Selected Nigerian University Libraries


  • Ogbomo Esoswo Fransica Head of Department, Department of Library and Information Science, Delta State University, P.M.B. 1, Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria.
  • Okuonghae Omorodion Head, E-library Services, Samuel Adegboyega University, PMB 001, Ogwa, Edo State, Nigeria



QR Codes, Librarians’ Awareness, Willingness, mobile technologies, Nigeria university libraries, bar code


The study investigated librarians’ awareness and willingness to deploy QR code in libraries. Three  (3) research objectives were raised to guide the conduct of the study and three hypotheses were also  tested in the study. The survey type of the descriptive research design was adopted and a population  of 51 librarians from selected universities in Nigeria was used. The total population sampling type of  purposive sampling technique was adopted while questionnaire was used as the tool for data  collection. Out of the 51 copies of questionnaire distributed, 50 were retrieved and found useable,  constituting 98% response rate. The data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics.  The findings revealed that the level of librarians’ awareness of the use of QR code is low. The study  further revealed that librarians are willing to deploy QR code in libraries (and in discharging library  services). However, there are perceived challenges of lack of technical knowhow, lack of awareness of  the use of the technology by library users, non-availability of QR code reader to all library users, and  poor internet connectivity. In addition, the study revealed that a significant relationship exists  between librarians’ awareness, willingness and deployment of QR code in libraries. Thus, the study  recommended that awareness/sensitization/trainings on the use of QR code and other emerging  technologies in libraries should be organised periodically for librarians by the Nigerian Library  Association (NLA) and the Librarian Registration Council of Nigeria (LRCN) as this will ensure  that librarians are kept up-to-date with the latest technological innovations in libraries. 


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How to Cite

Librarians’ Awareness and Willingness to Deploy QR Code in Libraries: A Study of Selected Nigerian University Libraries . (2019). Library Progress (International), 39(2), 261-273.