Stress Management in Libraries


  • Parminder Jit Kaur Assistant Librarian, Bhai Gurdas Library, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab 143005, India.



Stress management, library professionals, Factors responsible for stress, strategies use to counter of stress


Stress has become a major problem of every human being in society. Stress is the mental,  physical, situational and emotional state of mind. In this paper stress management in libraries  discusses some aspects of stress in the library professionals. It describes about the stress in  libraries and its reasons. It also elaborate types of stress, causes and symptom of stress and  strategies to counter stress. It also analyzed the best way to manage stress in LIS professionals.  However there are many motivational factors as well as bottlenecks which effects professionals  to participate in continuous professional development (CPD) activities. So this topic brings  focus, he need to ensure library professionals well prepared and up dated with current trends  in their jobs and duties.  


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How to Cite

Stress Management in Libraries . (2019). Library Progress (International), 39(1), 257-260.