Use of Library Services and Products through Marketing


  • Rajwant Kaur Assistant Libarian, Bhai Gurdas Library, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab-143005, India
  • Parminderjit Kaur Assistant Libarian, Bhai Gurdas Library, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab-143005, India



Marketing of Library services and products, Professional Skills, Marketing mix, Techniques, Strategies and Principles, Hurdles, Issues & Challenges


Due to development in information technology, the information is being generated at very  fast rate and a variety of items are available on a single theme. The need is to popularize  them and to sell them among the needed community for their existence in the world. Here  the concept of marketing of services came into being, because these are the marketing  strategies, which can not only be helpful in marketing them but also in generating revenue  for the continuation worldwide. Libraries are service oriented organizations. The foremost  role of libraries is to create new ways and techniques to satisfy the needs and wants of  users. Marketing starts with the user’s what they want to have and ends with the user’s  getting what they want. Marketing of information products and services is an important  tool used to bring out the resources available in the library. It’s aim is to obtain the needs  of library users, make the information available for the user community. Marketing of  library products and services help to achieve the organizational’s goals. The present paper  throws light on the different concepts associated with marketing. An effort has also been  made to highlight the need of marketing in libraries and how marketing takes place in  libraries. Which are the professional skills required for marketing is also a part of this  paper. Techniques, strategies and principles of marketing are also a major part of this  paper. Seven Ps of marketing process and hurdles in marketing the library products are  also presented. Explores the way to create a successful market. Highlights the issues and  challenges in front of librarians in marketing. The value and need based quality of  information products using all technological supports must reach the clientele so as to  allow the user community to derive utmost satisfaction from using the products. The  paper throws light on the marketing of information products and its trends, issues and  challenges in the electronic era. 


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How to Cite

Use of Library Services and Products through Marketing. (2019). Library Progress (International), 39(1), 232-240.