Towards Having a Model for OAI: A Plan Proposal for University Libraries of North East India


  • R K Sofia Devi Research Scholar (UGC-SRF), Department of Library and Information Science, Manipur University, Canchipur, Imphal-795003, India.
  • Ch Ibohal Singh Assistant Professor (S-3), Department of Library and Information Science, Manipur University, Canchipur, Imphal-795003, India.



Open Access, IRs, University libraries, Scholarly communications, North East India


Purpose: The purpose of the study is to assess the university libraries in North East India  regarding their initiatives towards open access movement and conceptualize a model for  Open Access Initiatives (OAI). Approach, Design and Methodology: Surveyed and identified all the universities in the  eight states of North East India. Covered 11 central, 5 state and 4 private universities to  understand open access initiatives taken up by them in their respective libraries collecting  data through a semi- structurally designed questionnaire. Using statistical techniques, data  have been analyzed to draw empirical conclusions.  Findings: The study have revealed various issues associated with the libraries regarding  their automation status, digitization process, different motives towards OA, establishment  of institutional repositories, challenges and many more. The need for having a model for  OAI for all the libraries of the region has been felt. Came out with a proposed model for  OAI having eight phases comprising mainly of rejuvenation of library system, digitization,  digital archiving, OA publications, constitution of a committee, etc. However, acceptability  of the model by the libraries of the region needs to be taken care of by the concerned  universities.  Originality/ value: The study is first of its kind in the area of open access initiatives taken  up in the region. Findings provide a new vista for the university libraries, which are added  feature in the context of the stock of the existing knowledge in the field. The conceptualized  OAI model is a new proposal the acceptability of which being rest with the universities  concerned.  


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How to Cite

Towards Having a Model for OAI: A Plan Proposal for University Libraries of North East India . (2019). Library Progress (International), 39(1), 199-206.