Role of College Libraries in OrganizingCapacity Building Programmes and Career Development Services for Library Users: A Case Study of Select Colleges of West Tripura District


  • Nikhil Debnath Library Assistant, Central Library, Tripura University, Bikramnagar, Tripura 799022, India
  • Manoj Kumar Sinha Professor and Head, Department of Library and Information Science&Dean,Swami Vivekananda School of Library SciencesAssam University (A Central University), Silchar, Assam-788011, India.



College Library, Modern Technology, Capacity Building Programmes, West Tripura, Career Development Services


For the changing trend of the modern libraries the users demand has been increasing in a  rapid manner and therefore the involvement of the libraries and their librarians also have  been increasing. Various new technologies have been evolved for the libraries of today’s  world which have been changing the nature of the traditional methods. College libraries are  also an important part for a college and we observed that the mode of procurement,  storage, processing and particularly the delivery of services of the college libraries have also  been changing with the modern trends. The College libraries are now organizing various  capacity building programmes like seminar, conferences, workshops, training programmes,  users orientation programmes and many other activities using modern techniques which  have been developing the career of the students for their future endeavors. The present  study is based on the college libraries of West Tripura District. For the present study, Survey Method as well as a case study approach has been adopted. The data has been  collected by designing a questionnaire. The questionnaire has been supplemented by the  Interview of the College Librarians for their view and ascertaining of facts submitted  through questionnaire. The study has been conducted during April 2018 to May 2018.  Purposive Sampling Technique has been adopted for selection of sample for the study. The  study examines the present pictures of the college libraries and their role in providing  capacity building and career development programmes and services to their library users  for using the library effectively and empowering them to use the resources for their studies  and choose the right career for their future higher study and employment. 


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How to Cite

Role of College Libraries in OrganizingCapacity Building Programmes and Career Development Services for Library Users: A Case Study of Select Colleges of West Tripura District . (2019). Library Progress (International), 39(1), 186-198.