Information Seeking Behavior of Undergraduate College Students of Tribal District Kargil: A Study


  • Amir Amanullah Research Scholar, Dept of Library and Information Science, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu-608 002, India.
  • R M Seethai Assistant Professor, Research Supervisor and Mentor, Dept of Library and Information Science, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu-608 002, India.
  • Sadik Batcha Majeed Associate Professor, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu-608 002, India.



information, information need, seeking behavior, electronic sources, tribal students Kargil, access


The paper presents the attitude of the undergraduate tribal students of the colleges of Kargil  district towards the information sources and library services. The study aims at knowing the  information needs, information sources used and information search methods and the usage  pattern of the sources. Findings show that the tribal students (Library Users) mostly visit the  library for reading and the most used information sources are the books. It’s found that open  access through the library racks are effective for retrieving the desired information source.  


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How to Cite

Information Seeking Behavior of Undergraduate College Students of Tribal District Kargil: A Study . (2019). Library Progress (International), 39(1), 154-162.