Awareness and Preference of Three Popular Marketing Strategies Used in Academic Libraries


  • Inyang Obia Gopeh Africana Library, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria
  • Ekeng Matina Ekpenyong Library, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria



Users’, Awareness, Preferences, Information, Marketing Strategies, Marketing Segmentation, Word of mouth, Organized Events, Librarianship


Awareness and preferences of popular marketing strategies were explored using  respondents from University of Calabar (UNICAL) and Cross-River University of  Technology (CRUTECH) being academic libraries in Cross River State. This indicated that  marketing strategies had been and is still in use today in libraries. Librarians’ had come to  the realization of the necessity to market its services and resources. These had been found to  boost users’ knowledge of what libraries hold in stock, their exploration methods and  influence on utilization. However, this study revealed that users’ are mostly aware of  market segmentation strategy 382(66.09%). Followed by organized event 166 (28.72%) while  very few seem to know about word of mouth (WOM - 5.19%). Study also revealed that in  spite of this knowledge, users’ had numerous challenges that debar them from participating  at such events when organized. The researcher therefore advised that admissions regardless  of the batches, be done timely so that users’ can benefit from orientation, which is one major  event for all new students. Study concludes among others that librarians should sort for  ways of making users’ to understand library philosophy or use university management to  incorporate library activities in the mainstream of evOrganized Eventsents. Study suggested that the librarian  could plan for giving gift items as high points of their organized events. 


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How to Cite

Awareness and Preference of Three Popular Marketing Strategies Used in Academic Libraries . (2019). Library Progress (International), 39(1), 134-143.