User Satisfaction with Library Resources and Services in Himachal Pradesh University


  • Pradip H Barad Librarian, S.P.M Tatyasaheb Mahajan Arts and Commerce College, Chikhli, Dist. Buldana, Maharashtra 443201, India.



Academic Library, Library Automation, use of ICT, User Satisfaction, Library Services, University Library


In this paper author discuss the role of university library in higher education. Given the brief information  of Himachal Pradesh (HP) University Library Shimla and for calculating impact of information  technology on library given the journey of library automation and user survey about library activity and  use of ICT in library and user satisfactions. A survey was conducted the HP University Library. A total  number of 180 users from the postgraduate, research scholar were selected and their response was  obtained with the help of questionnaire and conducting meeting with librarian’s and staff of the library  and users. The results also showed that libraries go for the E-Journals subscription and online and offline  databases it may help to users a lot. It also showed that users were satisfied with the services of the  library but demanding quality improvement in library services. Also, some suggestions were made to  provide quality services and increase user’s satisfactions. 


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How to Cite

User Satisfaction with Library Resources and Services in Himachal Pradesh University . (2019). Library Progress (International), 39(1), 102-109.