Knowledge and Use of Information Technology in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases by the Ayurvedic Practitioners in Kerala


  • Nair G Hemachandran Assistant Librarian, Dept of Botany, University of Kerala, Kariavattom, Trivandrum, Kerala 695 581, India.



IT in Ayurveda, Ayurveda System, Ayurvedic Information System, Medical Information System, Digital Library


We are now living in a world where computers are everywhere and are invading our lives in ways we  can't even imagine. In this paper study how information and communication technologies (ICT),  modern engineering, and computer science techniques, devices, and algorithms can be used in the  diagnosis and treatment of diseases by Ayurvedic Practitioners and expand the reach of the wisdom  of Ayurveda, the traditional Indian medicine system globally. The Ayurveda and its allied system  focus on Universal applicability. So Information and communications technology (ICT) is increasingly  being used in management of diagnosis and treatment of diseases by Ayurvedic medical practitioners.  


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How to Cite

Knowledge and Use of Information Technology in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases by the Ayurvedic Practitioners in Kerala . (2019). Library Progress (International), 39(1), 49-59.