Content Organization in Websites of Law Universities in India: A Web Analytic Study


  • Ms Ashwini Akkalchand Kasure Research Student, Dept .of Library & Information Science, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad, Maharashtra 431004, India
  • Khaparde Vaishali Professor and Head, Dept .of Library & Information Science, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad, Maharashtra 431004, India



Content Organization, Web Analytic Study, Indian Law UniversitieS, Web objects, lexa internet, Alexa databank


This paper aims to evaluate Law Universities Websites in India through webometrics method. A total of  21 Indian Law Universities were taken up for the study homepage of the Universities were taken up for  the study and the various web objects were identified and also their locations in the home page of the  Universities were analyzed and discussed. The purpose of these universities is to evaluate Law  Universities web sites using Alexa Internet. Each Law Universities web site was searched in Alexa  databank and relevant data including traffic rank, pages viewed, links, bounce percentage, time on site,  search percentage, and Indian/other users were collected. 


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How to Cite

Content Organization in Websites of Law Universities in India: A Web Analytic Study . (2019). Library Progress (International), 39(1), 38-48.