NMEICT Approved Major Projects and It’s Impacts in Indian Education System
NMEICT, Connectivity, e-Content, MOOC, Asynchronous learningAbstract
Government of India is initiating several remarkable measures to provide quality education systems to Indian citizens and to compete with global education standards. One such measure is NMEICT which was launched during the year 2009. This mission has crossed a decade what was its impact in Indian Education system was not dealt. Hence this study was identified by the author and an investigation was carried out to find the impact of NMEICT. The purpose of the study is to know that how far the scheme has performed from its inception and to map the schemes outcomes within five years from 2014-2019. Case study method was adopted for this study and the schemes related data pertaining to budget allocated for major projects and its performance was collected from the websites of Government of India. Simple percentage analysis was applied and the results calculated. Based on the results findings were drawn to know the extent which the scheme has achieved the goals in imparting teaching and learning process. It was found that 60% of the entire amount was spent for providing connectivity to colleges and universities for Internet access which is the basic infrastructure which was expected by most of the higher educational institutes was fulfilled by this mission. 40% fund was spent for developing quality e-content, DTH Educational channels and for producing low cost access devices. From this study it was found that 49 major projects have been approved and its impacts are described. This study concludes that this scheme has achieved its goal in implementing the basic infrastructure, e-content development and promoting the usage of content among academicians.
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