Usage of HELINET-Consortium by Faculty Members and PG Students of Pharmacy Institutions in Karnataka: A Study


  • J Ramesha Research Scholar, REVA University, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560064, India
  • M Dhanamjaya Registrar, REVA University, Rukmini Knowledge Park, Kattigenahalli, Yelahanka, Bangalore, Karnataka 560 064, India
  • V G Talawar Former Vice-chancellor, University of Mysore, Mysore, Karnataka 570006, India and Advisor to REVA University, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560064, India



HELINET-consortium, Rajiv Gandhi University of health Sciences (RGUHS), e-books, e-journals, e-theses, e-videos, Pharmacy Faculty and Students


This paper aims to assess the usage of electronic information resources under HELINET Consortium providing by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS), Bengaluru, Karnataka. The well structured Questionnaire method was used to collect data from users. The study highlights awareness of  HELINET consortium, satisfaction level and opinion of databases covered under HELINET consortium,  preferred format to access e-resources, problems while accessing electronic information resources among  faculty members and postgraduate students. It was found that 65.34% of the respondents were  satisfying with HELINET-consortium, and the number of respondents satisfied with Science Direct  Database is 57.01%, followed by Pro Quest 46.63%, and Jaypee Digital with 31.93%. And 59.44% of  the total respondents were highlighted lack of infrastructure facilities in their respective institutions to  access HELINET – Consortium resources. 


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How to Cite

Usage of HELINET-Consortium by Faculty Members and PG Students of Pharmacy Institutions in Karnataka: A Study . (2020). Library Progress (International), 40(1), 92-104.