Smart Library: Need of 21st Century


  • Anubhav Shah Assistant Librarian, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302004, India.
  • Rukhsar Bano Junior Technical Assistant, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302004, India.



Smart Library, Institutional Repository services, Cloud computing, RFID, Magic Mirrors


Today technology had made an impact on all sectors. Not any sector of the world can be run without  technology, as it reduced human efforts and work smoothly. We can find and access information  from wherever we are and whenever we want. The term “Smart Library” has recently been used  more frequently, for labelling a vision of libraries of the future, in particular as part of the so called  “Smart City” concept. This concept addresses the integration of digital processes and informational  feedback loops in the public infrastructure and claims this integration to be a desirable state, in  which cities become “smarter”, i.e. more efficiently organized, resource-friendly, flexible,  sustainable, green, and socially inclusive1. “The concept "smart library" appears in various  contexts, as a synonym for the concept "intellectual library". Such phrases as "digital library" and  "virtual library" can also be found. The term "smart" means "flexible, adaptive, extendible,  acknowledging and human". Smart library is a hardware and software complex with a wide range  of opportunities for searching and providing necessary information to virtual users according to  their inquiries and requirements. Smart libraries make the user available of access to library  information from mobile devices. The services of smart libraries are delivered to the user via smart  phones, internet and other handheld gadgets. Smart libraries have to focus on innovation of library  services to reach all library users through mobile devices. Smart libraries provide advanced services  such as computer-aided design, hypertext services, knowledge mining services, and personalized  services, cross-media services which make the library more active, professional and intelligent. In  this descriptive approach of the paper authors highlights the smart concept of smart library  architecture, IoT based library services which included Cloud computing, RFID, Magic Mirrors,  and Pressure pad sensors services and ICT based library services in presents scenario in-consist  with Digital Library, Institutional Repository services, Library 2.0 and Reprographic, Micrographic  & Digital Scanning Service.  


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How to Cite

Smart Library: Need of 21st Century . (2020). Library Progress (International), 40(1), 1-11.