Two High-Impact Educational Practices: Extent of library Students Involvement in the Educational Practices


  • Joseph Chukwusa Delta State University Library, Abraka, Nigeria



High-impact Educational practices, Library schools, Universities, Nigeria


The study was on two high-impact educational practices (learning communities and service learning)  and extent of library students’ involvement in the educational practices in Delta State University,  Abraka and Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. The research methodology used was descriptive  survey. Population for the study comprised of 60 Year-2 students each from the two universities.  Therefore, the entire population was 120 students. Year-2 students were used in this study because  these categories of students have just left the group (Year-1) which information literacy is more  targeted at. Questionnaire was the instrument employed for data gathering. The entire population was  made use of, but after questionnaire administration and retrieval, 107 were found to be usable.  Frequency count and Mean statistics were used to analyze the collected data. The investigation  revealed that the respondents were very much aware of what constitute learning communities and  service learning (they have positive perception of the two high impact educational practices); highly  participated/involved in learning communities and service learning. The study concluded that even  though some researchers, acknowledged positive result for 100 Level students, it is far from being  known if such revelation still impact students beyond this level; it should go beyond this stage. Note  that 100 level/100L is Year-1 and 200 level/200L is Year-2. 


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How to Cite

Two High-Impact Educational Practices: Extent of library Students Involvement in the Educational Practices . (2021). Library Progress (International), 41(2), 249-258.