Citation Analysis of Ph.D. Theses in the Field of Sociology Submitted to Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut


  • Jamal Ahmad Siddiqui Head, Department of Library & Information Science, Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh 250001, India
  • Deepa Library Professional ,Department of Library & Information Science, Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh 250001, India



Citation Analysis, Sociology, Authorship Pattern, Credibility


The present study deals with the Citation analysis of Ph.D. theses of Sociology awarded by CCS  University, Meerut. The study deals with to find the rate of collaborative authorship by analyzing  the citation pattern. Determines the use pattern of different types of documents and also discusses  the credibility of guides. The study reveals the year wise distribution of contribution and the  authorship pattern of journal citation. 


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How to Cite

Citation Analysis of Ph.D. Theses in the Field of Sociology Submitted to Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut . (2021). Library Progress (International), 41(2), 241-248.