A Study on Academic and Curricular Innovative and Best Practices Followed in Law Institutions


  • A Bagavathi University Assistant Librarian, The Tamilnadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600028, India




Higher Education Accreditation Board in India, National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Best practices criteria, NAAC CGPA Score, Institutions NAAC Rating


Higher education has become an essential and a service of high demand, in the Global level across all  Sectors, Organizations and Institutions. Higher education Institutions (HEIs) plays a vital role in  developing and sharpening the resources. This generates the need for Assessment and Accreditation  of HEIs, which leads to the growth of various private Agencies, collective HEIs Bodies and  governmental Institutions which started benchmarking for ascertaining and assuring quality at  different levels of higher education (AACSB, 1994). National Assessment and Accreditation  Council (NAAC) is one among the Accreditation Agency in India for benchmarking the HEIs. This paper highlights the initiative of various Indian Law institutions that have submitted their  Self Study Report to the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) which promote  the concept of best practices benchmarking in India. It also sets the stage for a discussion of the  identification, sustenance, dissemination and adaptation of best practices and of their transference from one system to the other. 


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How to Cite

A Study on Academic and Curricular Innovative and Best Practices Followed in Law Institutions . (2021). Library Progress (International), 41(2), 174-187. https://doi.org/10.48165/