Assessment of Disaster Preparedness and Response Mechanism in Selected University Libraries in South-South Nigeria


  • Enite Anita Urhefe- Okotie Department of Library and Information Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria
  • Eruvwe Ufuoma Department of Library and Information Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria.



Disaster in libraries, Disaster Preparedness


This study investigates disaster preparedness practices in selected university libraries in South-South  Nigeria. A descriptive survey method was adopted for the study and its major findings revealed that act  of vandalism, act of war, flood, bomb blast, act terrorism and building deficiencies were the possible  causes of disaster in the university libraries under study. Common mitigating measures include:  provision of fire extinguishers, air conditioning and security personnel. The study also discovered that  lack of funds, acts of negligence, and a lack of skills and training for library staff were major factors  affecting disaster preparedness practice in university libraries. The study recommended that proper  training of staff, disaster preparedness and mitigation plans, as well as facilitating sensitization program  for library personnel, be considered and adopted. 


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How to Cite

Assessment of Disaster Preparedness and Response Mechanism in Selected University Libraries in South-South Nigeria . (2021). Library Progress (International), 41(2), 167-173.