Publishing Patterns of Pteridologists: A Bibliometric Study based on Indian Fern Journal


  • Anil Kumar Dhiman Information Scientist, Gurukul Kangri (Deemed to be University), Haridwar -249 404 (Uttarakhand) India



Bibliometric study, Authorship pattern, Degree of collaboration and References


Indian Fern Journal that is a half-yearly publication of Indian Fern Society, Chandigarh (India) is used as a source  journal for conducting bibliometric studies on different aspects of its publication. It is continuously being published  since 1984. However, its volume 33 (2016) to volume 37 (2020) are considered in the present study that is  conducted for ascertaining authorship pattern, degree of collaboration and length of the paper with average range of  citations per paper published in five consecutive issues of the Indian Fern Journal. Hope this study will be beneficial  to explore hidden pattern of the authors who contribute their articles/research papers and other things for them, such  as degree of collaboration etc.  


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How to Cite

Publishing Patterns of Pteridologists: A Bibliometric Study based on Indian Fern Journal . (2022). Library Progress (International), 42(2), 439-447.