Use of Digital Reading Devices by Library Users during Covid-19 Pandemic: A Survey of Central University Libraries Users of Assam


  • M s Puja Paul Research Scholar, Department of Library and Information Science, Assam University, Silchar, Assam 788011, India
  • Sri Rajesh Rangappa Aldarthi Assistant Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, Assam University, Silchar, Assam 788011, India
  • Manoj Kumar Sinha Prof. and Dean, SVSLSc, and Former Head, Department of Library and Information Science, Assam University, Silchar, Assam 788011, India



Library User, User Study, Library and Information Science, Digital Reading Device, Covid-19, Pandemic


Authors attempt to find the use and awareness of Digital Reading Devices (DRD’s), impact of DRD on library  usage; Usefulness of DRD’s during covid-19 pandemic situation. The paper explaining the meaning and definition  of term ‘DRD’ elaborates on effectiveness of DRD during covid-19 pandemic period. Study adopted survey methods  involving two central university libraries of Assam (Assam University Silchar and Tezpur University). Samples  are dawn for all library user categories for UG and PG students; Research Scholars; Faculty and Staff members.  With equal sample (154) representation from both universities, in total 308 responses were collected and analysed  using SPSS package. Cross tabulation is used data analysis and graphical representations of individual universities  are provided. Result of study indicated that libraries have provided more digital information services and shifted  toward offering digital contents and services to their respective user. All categories have positive approach and views  toward benefits of using DRD during Covid-19 Pandemic period. 


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How to Cite

Use of Digital Reading Devices by Library Users during Covid-19 Pandemic: A Survey of Central University Libraries Users of Assam . (2022). Library Progress (International), 42(2), 369-394.