Relevancy of Academic Library Website in Research Support for Researchers: A Quantitative Analysis of Central University Library Websites in North India


  • Anita Sharma Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of Library & Information Science, School of Computational Sciences, Information and Communication Technology, Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Bihar 845401, India
  • Ranjeet Kumar Choudhary Professor & Head, Department of Library & Information Science, School of Computational Sciences, Information and Communication Technology, Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Bihar-845401, India



Research Support, Central University Library Website, North India, Library Websites, Online services


Academic libraries have been impacted by online learning environments in every aspect of their services. Both on campus and distance learners have benefited from academic libraries' use of information technology for providing  access to resources and services on libraries websites. The importance of research support cannot be undermined in  the journey of research. Researchers need a ladder in the form of research help to reach the completion of their  research easily. University libraries do provide research support in the form of resources to their researchers but, the  role of library websites cannot be challenged. It has an ample potential in this area to help researchers in making  them aware of resources available for research support. Many academic library websites have dedicated section for  research help and research support. This study intends to explore and quantitatively analyses research support  available on the academic library website in India. Result of this study has shown that there was good visibility of  research support on central university library websites in providing research support to researchers on library  websites in North India. It was found that the library website at JNU (Jawaharlal Nehru University) provides good  research support for researchers. All central university library websites are providing online resources and services  to their research community markedly. 


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How to Cite

Relevancy of Academic Library Website in Research Support for Researchers: A Quantitative Analysis of Central University Library Websites in North India . (2022). Library Progress (International), 42(2), 355-368.