Use of Internet and e-Resources by the Faculty members and Students: A Case Study of Udai Pratap Autonomous College, Varanasi


  • Anuj Kumar Singh Assistant Professor-Library, Government Girls Degree College, D.L.W. Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh-221004, India
  • Bhaskar Mukherjee Professor, Department of Library & Information Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh-221005, India



College Library, e-Resources, Search Engines, Digital Library, e-Library, Internet, Academic Library


Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has changed the traditional way of learning into digital way of  learning. It has enhanced the learning activity of academicians not only of universities but also of colleges. College  Libraries have now been subscribing electronic resources for the past few years. Libraries of the colleges are now  being automated and they are moving towards virtual libraries/e-libraries. Resources like electronic books, electronic  journals, online databases, electronic reference sources etc. have now become an important part of college libraries.  College/Academic libraries are fundamental part of higher education system and it must have the relevant resources  for their users. This study examines the electronic resources and Internet being consumed by the students and  faculty members of Udai Pratap Autonomous College. The core objectives was that how the faculty members and  students of this college face the problem while accessing online resources, how they take advantages of online  resources, how much they are aware towards online resources and how much more do they prefer online resources  than conventional resources. In this regards, a total 200 faculty members and students were selected to fill up the  questionnaire prepared on Google form. Out of 200 respondents, only 160 responses had been received. Whatever  interesting results were collected was analysed. 


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How to Cite

Use of Internet and e-Resources by the Faculty members and Students: A Case Study of Udai Pratap Autonomous College, Varanasi . (2022). Library Progress (International), 42(2), 340-354.